Did you know, that your Iris'es are tiny little maps of your entire nervous system! 
Showing us your 24 organs, and in 4 different energies.
Each organ features various psycholo/emotional identity- and behaviour patterns. 
The right eye shows male- and he left eye female traits. 

The eye readings offered here are not usual iridology, but rooted in the ancient Tibetan monasteries wisdom. 
I will read one eye, focusing on the overall features and also going into some of the most protudent and interesting marks, and what they can tell us. 
If you like to have the other eye read as well, you are welcome
to book one more session.

This is how your Iris Reading works: 
Contact me HERE, 
Transfer 30€ for your reading. (payment info will be provided) 
Send me your iris pictures and your WhatsApp number.
You will receive your reading within 48 hrs as a sound recording. 

Tips'n tricks for shooting pics of your Iris'es. 
A smartphone is fine for taking the pics for your Iris Reading. 

Best to use the forward camera on your phone, rather than the selfie cam. Ask a friend to help you. 
Set the Zoom to at least 2xs (or even Macro setting if your cameras software allows)

Your images need to be as large as possible to capture a clear, distortion free view of your eyes.

Light sources that are not diffused properly will hide the essential elements that need to be seen clearly.
You want to keep the colored part of your eye free from any harsh lighting.

Best to use a flash setting, and let someone else take your pictures.

To be sure to get the full Iris into the picture, hold your eyes open with two fingers and "looking  trough" the camera, to allow your iris'es to stay in the middle of the eye. 
Then your friend brings the camera close to your eye, setting the focus on the pupil.
If they are a bit fast, they can hopefully do the shooting quickly before your eye starts to water.

With a bit of luck, the flash part reflects inside your pupil and not the colored part of the eye.
More important is, to hold your head straight, allowing the part of the iris pointing upwards when looking in the mirror to poing straight upwards in the picture. 
I have 24 sections to read in each eye, and for clarity in your reading, they should preferently not get too mixed up.   
Some examples of great shots for Iris readings here. 

Iris Readings